Your guiding light for LED solutions

Industry Update is proud to announce that LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd has been chosen as our LED Solutions Company of the Month.

“We were established in 2009 as OCIP ENERGY Ltd,” explained Aidan Brown, Managing Director. “As we approached our 10th anniversary, and with the acceptance of LED lighting into the mainstream market, we changed our name to LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd to better reflect the nature of the market in which we operate.”

Based in Cheltenham, LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd operates across the UK and Europe, and numerous key clients have used its services across their European operations. As the status of LED lighting as changed, so the company has adapted its services to better address the needs of the marketplace. “The company’s role has evolved as LEDs have become more accepted,” explained Aidan. “In the early days, it was about convincing businesses that LED was the future. Nowadays, we are effectively a specifier, assisting clients to identify and source the most appropriate product for their premises.”

Working exclusively with LED lighting, the company has a focus on the commercial and heavy industrial markets, including hazardous area environments, as well as significant experience in the niche market for obstruction lighting.

With the increase in LED lighting’s popularity, there has undoubtedly been an increase in the number of poor quality products, which have swamped the market and made it increasingly difficult to find the best and most suitable solution. Thankfully, LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd’s extensive experience of the LED lighting sector allows it to match the most appropriate fittings to the client’s requirements, as well as guiding clients to the right products for their individual requirements, without making expensive mistakes.

Certainly, LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd has a documented history of listening to the market and addressing its needs, something which is reflected in the company’s motto to ‘listen and deliver’. “We believe in understanding the client’s operational requirements and then developing a value proposition that addresses those needs, all within budget,” Aidan elaborated.

Of course, LED lighting is constantly evolving, but there are limitations as to where future efficiencies will be generated in the LED technology alone. “Where the real revolution is occurring is in the controls for these lights,” explained Aidan. “LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd is able to offer the market leading remote monitoring platform, which allows a user to monitor and manage their lighting infrastructure from their own laptop, giving real-time data on what is happening within their office, building or entire estate. We can monitor a suite of parameters from energy usage to the status of the batteries in the emergency fittings. This offers potentially huge maintenance savings, and the system will automatically run test and report systems to ensure full regulatory compliance.”

With an outstanding reputation for quality, value and customer service, there is no doubt that the future looks bright for LED Industrial Lighting Company Ltd, a company which clearly possesses the drive and determination to continue its innovative work. “2019 was a challenging year for us as a business. Specifically, I was diagnosed with cancer in March and underwent chemotherapy for the best part of a year. During that time, I continued to work and am very grateful for the support of our existing clients, as well as the patience of the new ones. Having had the all-clear at the end of 2019, I am keen to drive the business forward and make up for lost time.”

If you would like to find out more information, head to the website or get in touch using the contact details below.

T 01242 250633