Here at Industry Update, we are extremely proud to announce that Awesome Technology Ltd has been specially selected to receive this issue’s highly commendable Advanced Software Company of the Year Award, as a result of their continually outstanding technological expertise.

Awesome Technology was first set up back in 2011 by a group of directors who had built up extensive experience in machine tool software applications within aerospace, automotives and metrology. Based in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, Awesome Technology specialises in scanning, 3D printing and CAD based software, as well as 3D printing technology and a range of dental solutions. The world of 3D printing has seen a significant boom in recent decades, with many more industries seeking 3D printed prototypes, models and even batch production. On top of that, Awesome Technology also provides Engineering Applications to help optimise engineering processes and drive machine tools using both advanced technologies and CAD software.
Their engineering software can be seen in use across the UK and around the world through a cross sector of industries. However it is the 3D printing side of the business that has really taken off in recent years, especially throughout 2018 itself. In particular, their technologies solutions have taken off across the dental sector, with regards to personal scanners, design software and 3D printing.
Among Awesome Technology’s most popular products is the Moonray, a specially developed 3D printer that is capable of rapid prototyping. For this issue, we spoke to Director Don Babbs about the Moonray, to which he explained, “The Moonray has seen considerable success since the launch. It is particularly sought after among the dental sector, where it is used to perform a digital scan of the mouth to create a bio-compatible replica made out of non-toxic resin. It can also be used to make everything from surgical guides to caps to crowns and more.”
The Moonray, which comes with a one year warranty, is made in 3 varieties, Moonray S, D and J, with the D perfect for dentistry. In fact, it has the potential to significantly transform the way the dentistry sector operates, with 3D mouth models and components now far easier to build quickly and accurately, and far cheaper too. The Moonray J is ideal for providing high resolutions and detailed finishes, with zero residue or ash left behind. As for the Moonray S, it has seen significant popularity for reverse engineering applications and rapid prototyping. It has been beneficial for designers, artists, and engineers seeking to test their ideas with a real, physical model. On top of dental applications, the Moonray has proven invaluable for the jewellery sector, capable of producing 3D printed jewellery with all of the designs and details included.
There is a range of specially developed resins, made just for Moonray, which offer their own advantages. This includes the Gray resin which requires no primer, results in an excellent finish and doesn’t lean to cool nor warm tones. Their highly advanced Surgical Guide Resin is biocompatible, meaning it can be used without harm in the human body. This world leading resin can be used for accurate drill guides for use in guided implant surgeries.
Compared to traditional SLA 3D printing, which is often opted for as a cheap alternative to injection moulding, the Moonray does not have the same limitations and can print in detail all the way up to 100 micron XY resolutions, three times that of SLA printers. In addition, as the UV projector cures whole layers of a component at once, the printing speed is not affected, making it much faster than SLA methods too.
Back on the software side of things, there has been a growing trend of machine tool innovation, with new developments and breakthroughs constantly occurring. As these machine tools are all computer driven, it has opened up doors for all kinds of software development, with Awesome Technology investing across their software services in order to keep pace with the rate of technology and continue offering the very best solutions.
Most recently, they showcased their wares at the TCT Show, held in September at the NEC, Birmingham. Here, Awesome Technology demonstrated the many applications of their technology and how to use it. Both attendees and industry peers were impressed by the attention to detail and expertise their 3D printing products showed, with many praising the Moonray in particular for the way it is helping to bring the dental world into the sphere of technology.
If you are interested in finding out more about Awesome Technology‘s top of the line services, then be sure to get in contact with the team today using the number below, where one of the members can help direct your call. Alternatively, if you would like to find out more information, then please feel free to check out the website below.
T +44 (0)1242 924005