Certified or not certified, that is the question

As an industry, the genuine natural and organics industry, we’ve quietly taken over the world. The availability of limitless on-line information has meant that consumers at the point of sale or even at the point of ‘picking the products off the shelf,’ can drill into the deepest parts of an ingredient and where it’s come from. More and more manufacturers have had to improve their natural and organic credentials. Products now available on the shelf today, have ingredients that are better farmed, better produced and better sourced. Many of the large retailers that I have visited recently are reaching out to natural and organic suppliers, reflecting a growing demand from their customers.

At Britesparkes, we offer a consultancy service focused on getting brands listed in the UK and European retail chains. Whether you need just one day of advice, right through to managing the brand and retailer for you, we have worked with all sizes of business. If you have a brand that you feel needs a bigger stage, whether it be the UK, Europe of further afield then please visit our website or contact Jonathan direct today.

Contact Jonathan Sparkes,
M +44 (0)7956 176046