D:PLOY a OnRobot and Partner Roadshow 2023

This is the FUTURE of Automation is here and we are ready to show it to you UK.

OnRobot along with multiple partners in the UK have aligned an exciting day filled with D:PLOY and automation activities.

Date: 10th of March 2023
Time: 09:00- 13:00
Location: Holiday Inn Manchester City Centre® | 25 Aytoun Street, Manchester, M1 3AE, United Kingdom

The field of automation has grown tremendously over the last decades. Although many manufacturers have embraced automation, high barriers to implementation remain, especially among small and medium-sized companies. Deploying robotic applications on the manufacturing floor is still far too complex, time-consuming, and inflexible. All of this drives up costs and the minimum number of parts produced, making automation an unviable option for many.

D:PLOY breaks down these automation barriers by finally removing complexity associated with robotic application deployments and redeployments, offering staggering time and cost-savings.

We look forward to welcoming you to Manchester
