Fit testing hearing protection


Making sure employees have appropriate hearing protection is a legal obligation placed on employers because exposure to too much noise at work  is far more damaging to long term health than most people realise.

Just providing the protection may not be enough.  If it doesn’t fit well or isn’t inserted properly sound will leak in and even though the wearer thinks they are protected – they’re not – see image.

Fit testing (ie) testing performance in-situ is the best way to ensure hearing protection works.

Scientifically validated by a leading acoustics specialist  this revolutionary ten minute online test is quick, easy, and requires no special equipment. It enables independent verification of earplug effectiveness and provides evidence to have defective earplugs rectified. Most importantly end users are given accurate information to help them to get the best from their hearing protection.

The Earplugtest team believe employees deserve the chance to protect their hearing health and employers deserve a product that enables them to demonstrate they care about the health, safety and wellbeing of their staff while positioning themselves as forward thinking responsible employers  taking proactive steps to improve their Company’s safety compliance standards.

Visit our website for more information.